As woman, you are a FORCE of NATURE. 

Are you ready to tap into the boundless power of the elements and unlock the secrets of your primordial essence?

In this 90-minute masterclass; you will be guided on a journey back to your roots, reconnecting you with the magic of the earth, your own heart + feminine nature & the innate wisdom of your own being.

As stewards of this planet, and an entirely new paradigm, we are called to remember our sacred connection to the elements that sustain us.

Especially as women, portal between realms and extensions of Mother Earth herself. 

In "Elemental Embodiment," we delve deep into the heart of Mother Earth, exploring the profound ways in which she mirrors our own cyclical nature, and the ways in which to reconnect to the pulse of Her.

 Together, we honor the seasons of the earth and the seasons of our own bodies, recognizing them as potent times for prayer, manifestation, healing and Divine guidance. 

Throughout this immersive experience, you will discover the sacred dance of your menstrual cycle, embracing its innate rhythm as a source of power and renewal.

Guided by the wisdom of plant allies and earth spirits, you will learn to live from the heart and align with the highest timeline for yourself and the planet.

This masterclass is intended to be a microcosm, a spark, a 90 min. journey of self-discovery and planetary healing. 


"As you love yourself, you love the world." 

 Elemental Embodiment invites you to step into your fullest expression as a woman of the earth, reclaiming your birthright as a guardian of Gaia's living web of life. 

Are you ready to awaken the elemental magic within?

Includes a visual slideshow & an embodiment practice. Be sure to have

your journal handy if you're a note-taker!

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Elemental Embodiment Masterclass$33

  • Total payment
  • 1xElemental Embodiment Masterclass$33

All prices in USD
