This is more than just a membership—It is an invitation to live a life drenched in love and miracles, just by way of your own devotion to highest frequency. 

An invitation to embody your divine spark and offer your unique gifts to the world.

In this space, you will:

Embrace your calling as a Vessel of love and divinity

Embody your authentic expressions of sensuality and femininity. 

Align with higher + juicier octaves of self and reality.

 Anchor into deeper devotion, in all areas of your life.

Open to the divine resource & provision that wants you so bad. 

 Feel inspired & empowered to create your art and offer your unique gifts to the world!!!

 Enhance and strengthen your relationship with the masculine.

 Become magnetic & radiant to the diamonds of desire in your heart.

Collapse old timelines & patterns no longer serving you/where you're going. 

 Experience the majestic magic of fairytale love—within yourself, your relationships, and your life. 

 Anchor miracles (& embody what's possible for others to witness & be inspired by!!)

Feel the power of female community & camaraderie.

Experience a sense of belonging within a collective movement of women devoted to love, purpose and divine stewardship & alignment. 

What you get from THE VESSEL:

The Vessel Group Thread (Telegram)

Devotional Sisterhood 

x1 Live Call per Month (+ Surprise Calls)

Surprise Guest Speakers + Teachers

Monthly Themes

Weekly Transmissions

Rituals + Homeplay + Journal Prompts

Discounts on some of Zoë's offers in 2025

Devotional Practices

Embodiment Experiences

Curated Spotify Playlists

Surprise Goodies

Let's flirt with the quantum together for a moment:

Imagine that THE VESSEL is a container with giant white wings hovering in a mist of golden pink light in the higher dimensional sphere- each woman in this space is being held up by these wings- and, being supported as she expands her own wing span. This container is protected & shielded by thousands of roses, held in total Divine Love. This is the dwelling place of your Highest, most unconditionally Loving Self & as you devote yourself to being the VESSEL, you are able to receive guidance/information/instruction...

As the appointed Heavenly Vessel that you came here to be.


Dripping in Divinity.

Devotion is the heart-led woman's version of discipline.

To devote means to tend, to nurture, to show-up for (especially when it's hard)

this is why devotion is a high feminine art. 

As women, we are devotional & relational by nature.

We are heart-wired this way.

Devotion is an art that many women (on the most instinctual level) yearn to be in the practice & refinement of...

but in our modern society, 

these innate aspects of the feminine are not supported, regarded or nurtured by the systems in place. 

If you find yourself craving deeper spiritual satiation,

consistent feeling of connection to the mystical realms,

a deeper connection with your own femininity,

a visceral sense of communion with your own heart

a space to be in ritual & devotional practice with other women,

a space that feels deeply nourishing, revitalizing and supportive of your feminine spirit-

but also creates a sense of rhythm + routine each month...

THE VESSEL is for you, angel. 

A gift not only to yourself for this new year ahead, 

but to everyone in relationship to you, 

your clients, your beloved, your family, your friends, your community...

because as you devote yourself to being The Vessel you came here to be~

everyone gets to drink from the well of your radiant existence. 

Your energy field creates a resonance, a ripple, in the collective field.

The more refined & clear your energy becomes,

the more intoxicated on Divine Love you become,

the more YOU you become,

the more magnetic you become. 

Plain & simple.

Because you are in Union with your Source.

There is a Harvard study that shows that women who have close female friendships stay healthier and happier as they age. Female friendship is now scientifically proven to be important for our mental & physical wellbeing.

Intentional sisterhood is pretty much a coven of alchemical transfiguration for the betterment of humanity and creating this space for women is one of my highest honors & passions (it is what changed my life, cracked my heart wide open to ecstatic love & catalyzed my destiny path.)

When we come together in devotional sisterhood like this, we create a sanctuary of magic with its own pulse & heartbeat.

One that has its own resonance field, and every woman in the space is both contributing to & receiving from it~ and the space is also rippling its frequency of love out into the collective.

When women come together to support, behold, witness, breathe life into and mirror each other's beauty & greatness- profound transformation occurs.

If you are feeling a resonance of YES in your body right now,
I am writing this to you, babe.
Trust the magnetism.
Deeply feeling your heart as these words spill out of my fingertips, to meet your eyes.
You are one of the appointed stewards here to resurrect an ancient template of consciousness.

The consciousness of love.
The consciousness of beauty.
The consciousness of devotion.
The consciousness of magic. 

Here to be the transmission of it.
Here to bring it into form. 
Here to awaken it in the hearts of others.

And although you have a unique blueprint to tend to,
you were never intended to do it alone.
What the babes have to say about Zoë's containers:

By working with Zoe, I was able to become more confident in owning my sexuality, my intuition, and my inner priestess. She is one of the few mentors I have worked with who live by what she teaches and treats her work as a divine offering on the altar of love.

Chelsea T.

Trusting Zoe and allowing myself to be guided by her intuitive, learned and magnetic mastery of the divine feminine has been one of the best investments of my life. It comes with an ever-growing return- my confidence in myself and in life have skyrocketed since.


"The positive ripple of our mentorship cannot be understated. Easily the best investment I've ever made in myself."

Karen F.

This container has been so sweet and the upleveling my soul needed  

I really feel like I’m stepping past a battle I’ve been fighting for years. Infinitely grateful for the remembrance you’ve ignited Zoë! Thank you so much! and thank you to all you beautiful women for sharing space and hearts.

Natasha P.

I used to struggle in confusion with being a woman in our world today. I hid my sensuality, apologized for my power & never realized the importance of connecting with other women. She has changed all of this for me. She holds space in such a gentle, delicious way. She is a revolutionary in her field of work and I cannot wait to see where she leads us.

Kelsey J.

Zoe, thank you so much for this offering. It gave me HOPE that I can heal. I have been deeply suffering for a year now. Thank you for this week that led me to a place I didn’t think was possible for me to land. I feel like I have a foundation for healing.

Gabriela C.

"Zoe gives women permission to become themselves."

Karina P.

"Zoe, your medicine has been like Super Mario mushrooms along my path - each dose packed with nuggets of wisdom that came at the right time I needed to hear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your divine commitment to elevating our power and helping us remember our birthright, one transmission at a time & leading by example and embodiment."

Liz T.

Dearest Zoe, thank you so much for this beautiful, connected experience. This will be my guide for the weeks, months & years ahead. Keep shining your brilliant light. You have a true gift for love, uplifting & guiding. 


"I call her my "love doula" because she rebirthed me back to my heart-space. She was the missing puzzle piece to my own heart-led business."

Kim A.

"I've done almost all of Zoe's offerings and continue to whenever I can. They always end up being exactly the medicine I need. The way she creates female community is impeccably heart-centered and led." 

Jenna Rose

Zoë is a true leader, holding a torch for women and men alike as they lean into their god- and goddess-given permission to shine as their fully realized selves. To simply be in the presence of Zoe (as a student, mentee, attendee, or as a  friend) is to experience a full immersion into the transformative waters of the divine feminine.

Sarah R.

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
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